Tuesday, June 22, 2010


One of my close friends posted on her blog that she is trying to sell her T.V. because she doesn't watch it anymore. I almost gasp! I thought to myself " how will she unwind at the end of the day" and " how lonely" she will feel.

I don't know about you, but I'm a case of what I like to call, the" low key" T.V. dependence. I find that I spend more time in the apartment with the TV on ( volume at a moderate level), while I perform other activities (I know I know, OK HORRIBLE use of energy) than I do actually watching it. There's something about its presence that makes me feel like I'm not alone. Sometimes it even feels like a party! (OK too far?)

The point I'm trying to make is that although I do consistently watch some T.V. shows, I think it's interesting that the initial shock of hearing that my friend doesn't want her T.V. anymore was more related to my T.V.-background noise dependence rather than an actual addiction to watching it. Am I alone here?

Until the next...
-Twisted Composure

Go out and cop the new Roots album! In stores and online TODAY!

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